Monday, April 19, 2010

Pork diner

Last time my wife came over from the uk  she brought me a nice piece of pork. so what"  I hear you say"    we cannot get fresh pork meat in Egypt it was hard before, but since the cull after the swine fly epidemic its not available here now. this  piece is also the first bit of my favorite meat in seven years.  so greedy ol me waited for her highness to go back   so I could devour the lot,
its not really like that but she did say no point in bringing meat  all the way here when I can get plenty in Wales.
 first I cut the  joint and stuffed garlic cloves into the meat. sliced up an onion based the joint with 1/2 pint of water. prepared the potatoes and obragine based them in a little sunflower oil.
and stuck them in the oven at gas marked 200. half way through the cook  I took out the garlic cloves and basted the joint in honey,  pity there was no cracklin  on the joint,
 once cooked I sliced half the meat and served with apple sauce.    and tasty it was too.
today I served the other half in thin slices and made  mashed potatoes carrots and peas, 

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About Me

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I am retired . i came to Egypt after many years doing voluntery work here I refurbished the clinic in Daraw worked there for 6 months and fell in live with Egypt, I then came back to egypt on a holliday and stayed, I was about to retire for health reasons and egypt was the country with a low humidity for my authric condition, I met avery nice taxi driver , and because he was poor and I needed a home here I tried to help him and his family. he on the other hand was a swindler and before long after he swindled me out of my life savings, I found ot he wAS a drug addict with an addiction to opium,an alcoholic , a blackmarketeer in pharaonic items, and since taking him to court he has added a few more things to his credit, he bribes he pays for protection some call it mafia I call it thugery, a forger and a blackmailler. this once nice little man has dcided to be all changed and turned to islam and now he has a nice business can pay me back in instalments totaling the equivellant of 3000 sterling per year, thats 1000 less than i would get in a savings account and three thousand less if H borrowed the money from A bank,